Thursday, 2 February 2017

SRV Show at Flowershow!

Thanks to our activities to design a Global Teacher Garden, SRV D UP School this year was able to show our organizing power at the Flowershow.

Students of the school visited Global Teacher Prize website and downloaded 50 photographs of the finalists at 2017 Global Teacher Prize.

The students did this as a part of CLASS: Connected Learning Activities through Social Service, a challenge at Global Education Conference.

The saplings planted at school was later transferred to a private plot at Piravom to be named Global Teacher Garden. A function where the villagers and village authorities participate and celebrate the inauguration of Global Teacher Garden is planned.

Growing confidence in our ability to grow into a centre of excellence, we applied for a stall at the flowershow. Our students explained how they plan to replace plastic growbags with growbags made of recycled paper.

Thanks to the organizers of the flowershow, SRV School celebrated their love of nature, gardening and people at the flowershow.

The TreePals now plant trees here, each time they have a connected learning session with peers here and abroad.